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Practice Areas

05. Truck Accidents

With the amount of semi-trucks, delivery trucks, construction trucks, moving trucks, cement trucks, and other commercial trucks that are on Nevada highways and roads, it is only a matter of time before you or someone you know is involved in an accident with a truck.


Trucking accident cases require an even more specialized plan of attack than normal car accident cases. There are necessary steps you must take right away if you are injured in a trucking accident to ensure that all the necessary evidence is preserved by the at-fault party and their insurance company. Some trucking accidents might be the result of driver negligence, but it may also be the result of improper maintenance of the truck itself, inadequate policies and procedures on the part of the trucking company, driver fatigue due to the demands placed on the driver by the company, or distracted driving due to the driver interacting with their GPS, just to name a few. In situations like these, it is of the utmost importance to thoroughly investigate the driver and the company.

As your truck accident attorney, we will uncover all the necessary evidence we need to put pressure on the company to compensate you for your injuries, which can include medical bills, time missed at work, future loss of earnings, out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering associated with your injuries, and much more. At Muaina Injury Law, we have handled countless trucking and commercial vehicle cases and have the experience to maximize your compensation. If you are involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle, call us right away for a free consultation!

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